Amazon Finds: Precision Distance Control Putting Aid

We’ve all heard the saying, “Drive for show, putt for dough.” While it may not always be that simple, there’s no doubt about how crucial putting is. Developing a consistent, predictable and reliable putting stroke is key. In this article, we’ll introduce a simple, portable putting aid that has the potential to transform your putting distance control.

The Problem

Finding a worthwhile putting aid. Golf is a challenging sport for many of us and even reaching the green can be a daunting task at times. However, the real confidence killer is struggling with putting. With countless putting training aids on the market, it’s tough to determine which ones are worth your investment.

The Solution

Introducing the Precision Distance Control Putting Aid—a portable distance and putting stroke trainer designed to simplify and improve putting distance control for golfers of all skill levels.

Discovering The Putting Gate

The Precision Distance Putting Drill Aid has been making waves on my social channels through ads and promotions. Recently, I purchased a new putting mat for my office and I thought this putting training aid might be worth a try. While I take pride in my putting ability, there’s always room for improvement. Could this help me achieve that?

I visited Amazon and quickly found the Precision Distance Control Putting Aid

How it Worked (or Didn’t)

My favorite putting training aid is the PuttOUT, which sets a high bar for effectiveness. So how does the Precision Distance Control Putting Aid measure up and what are the key differences? 

Both putting training aids focus on distance training to improve speed control on the greens but they approach this goal from different points in the putting stroke. PuttOUT concentrates solely on the result while the Precision Distance Putting Drill Aid focuses on the initial part of the putting stroke.

Setting up the Precision Distance Putting Aid is very simple. The gate acts as a handle and the training aid folds in half for easy transport. Simply unfold it, lay it flat and position the gate where you want to start your distance training.

Golfers can set the gate at their desired putting distance and start practicing. The aid provides guidelines for the length of the back stroke and the placement of the gate for the follow-through portion of the stroke.

As someone with a flowing putting stroke, I found that this training aid encouraged me to have a shorter back stroke and a quicker follow-through, resulting in a somewhat abrupt stroke. While this isn’t necessarily a drawback, it doesn’t account for green speed and uses meters instead of feet, which may be a drawback for some. (There are 3.2 feet in one meter.)

The Final Verdict

Is the Precision Distance Putting Drill Aid worth it? That depends largely on what you’re looking for.

Will this aid improve your putting stroke and distance control? In my experience it encourages a putting style that may not suit all golfers. While it may work well for some who struggle with their putting, I found it conflicted with my natural stroke. Unfortunately, I didn’t achieve the results I had hoped for when testing it on the practice green. 

However, if you struggle with putting distances, this aid can serve as a valuable guide to differentiate your putting strokes for various distances. It can help establish a routine and consistency, thanks to its clear markings and stop gate that prevents an excessively long follow-through.

When used in conjunction with the PuttOUT, the Precision Distance Control Putting Aid can be an even more valuable tool, as they address different aspects of putting distance control.

I understand why this product is highly rated and frequently purchased. Its compact, lightweight and portable design makes it usable almost anywhere. While it didn’t align with my putting style, it doesn’t mean that many other golfers wouldn’t benefit from what the Precision Distance Putting Drill Aid has to offer.

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