Ask AI: How Do I Convince my Wife That I Need New Clubs?

You’ve practiced and prepared for this moment your entire life (err, the last few weeks). Your knees are weak and palms are sweaty. It’s time to pop the big question: “Honey, can I buy new golf clubs?”

No matter how you slice it, asking your partner for their blessing to buy new clubs is more stressful than teeing off in front of a foursome that begrudgingly let you play through.

Like you, I’ve struggled to find the best approach or combination of them. Luckily, I’ve got a virtual assistant who (hopefully) can set me straight.

Welcome to Ask AI, where I asked artificial intelligence the most important, poignant questions in golf. So, AI, how do I convince my wife that I need new golf clubs?

Here are five helpful tips.

1. Timing is key

AI: Choose a moment when she’s in a good mood and not preoccupied with other issues. Maybe after a nice dinner at home or during a relaxed weekend morning.

Connor: This is an obvious one. It’s even better if you’ve put the kids to bed or just made her favorite meal.

2. Show, don’t just tell

AI: If possible, demonstrate why new clubs might be beneficial. For instance, if you’ve been playing with clubs that are visibly worn or outdated, this could be a tangible reason. You could also show her reviews or articles highlighting how new technology in golf clubs can improve performance, which might appeal to her if she values efficiency or improvement in hobbies.

Connor: Perhaps showing her your swing is helpful? Maybe a recent scorecard where you didn’t play your best? That’s what I would do.

3. Use data and research

AI: Mention how golf technology has evolved (without getting too technical unless she’s interested). You could talk about how newer clubs might help reduce your score, improve your swing or simply make the game more enjoyable due to better fit and feel. Refer to general advice like that from “The DIY Golfer” about upgrading clubs one by one, which could make the investment seem less daunting.

Connor: We always say that if your clubs are five years old, it’s probably time for an upgrade. Just share this piece and you should be good to go!

4. Budget and value

AiI Discuss the budget. If you’ve been saving for this or if there’s discretionary spending available, this could be a good time to bring it up. Alternatively, highlight deals or second-hand options where you can get quality clubs at a lower price, showing you’ve thought about the cost.

Connor: What to take things a step further? Budget in a few bucks for your partner to spend on something they like. If you spend $500 on a driver, they also get to spend $500 on something of their choice. It’s a win-win!

5. Future benefits

AI: Talk about how better clubs could lead to better scores, which might mean less frustration and more enjoyment, potentially leading to more family time if you’re not as stressed or obsessed with improving your game.

Connor: How can you say no to more family time and less stress? This is an easy pitch. Be careful not to overpromise, though … you’re still going to need time to practice with your new sticks.

Now, you try!

With a little courage and lots of preparation, you too can confidently explain to your spouse why new golf clubs is a win for the both of you.

Any tips that you’d add? Let me know.

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The post Ask AI: How Do I Convince my Wife That I Need New Clubs? appeared first on MyGolfSpy.

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