Is Forward Press Putting Right for You (Pros and Cons)

“Forward press putting” is a technique where your hands and wrists are pushed ahead of the clubhead at setup and remain in that position throughout the stroke. Many golfers adopt this method as it helps improve the impact position and create a more consistent strike. However, while it can be an effective technique, it’s not without its challenges. Overdoing the forward press can lead to issues like delofting the putter or misaligning the clubface. Let’s dive into the pros and cons of forward press putting so you can decide how much—if any—forward press should be part of your game.

Pros of the forward press in putting

Promotes better acceleration through impact

One of your goals on the putting green should be to ensure your hands travel toward the target after impact. Keeping your hands moving toward the target promotes acceleration through the ball.

For those who tend to slow down when approaching the ball, there is often some inconsistency in speed and distance control.

Forward press putting pushes the hands ahead and keeps them moving that way towards the target.

Helps square the clubface

Some players keep their clubface square throughout their stroke. Others open it a bit and then close it through impact. If your putts tend to miss to the right, you may be leaving the clubface open at impact. A forward press stroke can square the face and increase accuracy.

Reduces excess wrist movement

When you start your putting stroke with a forward press position, you’ll be giving your wrists something to do. Golfers tend to get wristy in the stroke and the forward press ensures this wrist action is minimal thanks to a more pendulum-like stroke. 

Players who tend to add too much flexion in their lead wrist throughout the putting stroke will find it easier to stay stable with the forward press in place.

Encourages a smooth stroke

The forward press can lead to a more fluid motion and a consistent putting stroke. Some golfers even use a slight push of the hands forward as a way to initiate the start of their putting stroke.

Cons of the forward press in putting

Delofting the putter

The main drawback of a forward press is delofting the putter. As you push your hands forward, you are decreasing the loft on your putter. You may notice a lack of forgiveness and an inconsistency in the strike. The ball may skid or slide as it’s coming off the face. This can impact your start line, speed and distance control.

Inconsistent alignment

A forward press can lead to alignment issues. If the hands are pressed too far forward, you’ll often find that the putter face is closed. Many golfers set their putter on the line and then push their hands forward to create the forward press. This changes the putter angle and the alignment is no longer correct.  

Changes the impact dynamics and position

Any time we can let a golf club (putter or not) sit naturally at address, it helps us return the club to this natural position at impact. When you have a forward press, you may change the putter’s position at address. This often leads to inconsistency in the strike and trouble hitting the center of the putter face. Where golfers see this issue become a real problem is on longer putts.

Try exaggerating your forward press and taking a longer backswing for a putt over 30 feet.

You’ll notice that the putter almost has to lift straight up for you to maintain this forward press. As it comes back down, you’ll have it in a much different position than you would without this forward press.

Always consider short and long putts when making any changes to your putting stroke. Some adjustments may help with shorter putts but make longer ones more difficult. Try to find something you can repeat for any length putt.  

Not ideal for all putting styles

The forward press tends to be difficult for some putter grips/hand positions as well as the more exaggerated arc-style putting stroke. 

Most times we look at golfers as either mechanical or feel and finesse players. The forward press can interfere with your ability to use your natural putting stroke especially if you are more of a feel player.  

Should I use a forward press putting stroke?

Many professionals will tell you that a forward press is a good idea. Pushing your hands slightly forward at the address ensures an impact position with a square clubface.

However, the key to using forward press is not exaggerating the movement. You have to keep the press minimal to avoid negative issues. For most players, this press may only be about two to three degrees of shaft lean.

Check the loft on your putter. Some putters have more loft than others and a bit more of a forward press with these putters can benefit you.

In the end, it all comes down to being subtle about the forward press. That’s where you’ll find the most success.  

The post Is Forward Press Putting Right for You (Pros and Cons) appeared first on MyGolfSpy.

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