WATCH: Amateurs – improve your ball striking with this amazing drill

A simple way to improve both your golf and your handicap is to add consistency to your ball striking.

Golf Channel’s Michael Breed was ranked a Top 100 Instructor in America by Golf Magazine and in the Top 50 by Golf Digest. He’s also been the PGA National Teacher of the Year.

He’s a good man to listen to, then, and he’s got a simple tip for average golfers seeking to improve their game.

“You’ve got to make sure that the lower body is responding to what the upper body is telling you,” he says.

“I do not want the knees to take the backswing back,” he warns and adds: “I do not want the knees to start it at all, I want them to respond to the hips, and the hips are going to respond to the body.

“So what we want is the body to dominate this motion and a very simple thing that you can do is this.”

Watch the video now to see how Breed uses a specially designed gadget to restrict the errant motion.

“We don’t want you to get into a position where you’re getting weight into your trail leg by sliding,” he says.

Instead, he wants us to: “Rotate.”

Breed explains: “The trail hip is going to sink back and there’s going to be a lot of loading into this trail foot, the heel particularly as you spin or rotate, and that’s how you’re going to load the golf club.”

With his gadget he avoids sliding back on the backswing and also sliding too far forward on the follow through.

“You do this a couple of times and go slowly at first,” he says, demonstrating this new tighter motion. “Then you’ll be rotating and loading, not sliding.”

WATCH: Is this Tiger Woods’ best ever club twirl?

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